
The Cantin Ketogenic Diet for Alzheimer’s (AD) -Also see the section related to AD under Iron/Copper/Histamine

Dr. Mary Newport & her work with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

In her book Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was A Cure? Dr. Mary Newport, neonatalogist, says, “I do have a collection now of almost 220 reports, mostly from caregivers and some from the person themselves, reporting that they saw improvement after they started taking coconut oil.”

CBN News reported, “In patients with Alzheimer’s, insulin resistance prevents their brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, the cells die. But there is an alternate fuel known as ketones, which cells easily accept. Ketones are metabolized in the liver after eating coconut oil.”

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Dr. Mary Newport & Her Husband Steve

Click on the book to go to Dr. Newport’s website for the latest information on AD & to purchase her book:

Copper in diet linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Click on the book to get to Dr. Newport's website

Dr. Newport interviewed on LLVLC says she has her husband on The Cantin Ketogenic Diet for Alzheimer’s.


CBN.COM report: Alzheimer’s Doctors Taking Note of Coconut Oil

Might Alzheimer’s Disease Be “Foodborne”?

Alzheimer’s – Must Watch – Dr Mary Newport – Coconut Oil MCT’s

Medium Chain Triglycerides and Ketones: An Alternative Fuel for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s breakthrough? Scientists use ultrasound to restore memory in mice


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