
The Cantin Ketogenic Diet against Cancer Cachexia

Cancer Cachexia is also called the waisting syndrome when someone keeps losing weight and muscle. The cancer gets bigger and the rest of the body look like a skeleton

Cancer cachexia: the overlooked enemy

Reduction of weight loss and tumour size in a cachexia model by a high fat diet. -Ketogenic diet protects against cancer cachexia by feeding healthy cells and starving cancer cells as long as you eat enough calories from food to burn fat from the foods.

Metabolic reprogramming induced by ketone bodies diminishes pancreatic cancer cachexia

Per Dr. Dominic D’Agostino: “Ketones may also prevent skeletal muscle wasting associated with cancer cachexia and motorneuron diseases (ALS). In summary, our goal is to develop and test metabolic therapies for neurological disorders, cancer and skeletal muscle wasting associated with these diseases. We feel these therapies will provide a highly effective nontoxic alternative to anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) and chemotherapy”


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